From the NannyMUD documentation
edit_access - Edit the access list.SYNTAX
edac path object:rights [... object:rights]DESCRIPTION
Modify an ACL protecting a certain filesystem object 'path'. If the object was protected by a default ACL, then a specific ACL will be created by copying and modifying the default ACL (accordning to the arguments specified).EXAMPLE
Set default rights to LURX on your home dir: edac ~ $rest:lurxEXAMPLE
Give Rohan and Qqqq rights DALURWX on the dir myguild: edit_access myguild_dir rohan:DALURWX qqqq:DALURWXEXAMPLE
Set default rights NONE on foo.c, bar.c and fubar.c: edac (foo.c bar.c fubar.c) $rest:NONEEXAMPLE
This will remove the entry for Fred from the acl for foo: edac /players/wizard/foo fred:SEE ALSO
acl in wizinfo/aclSEE ALSO
set_access in wizcommands/files/set_accessSEE ALSO
list_access in wizcommands/files/list_access