From the NannyMUD documentation





        acl - The access control list system.


        ACL stands for Access Control List, and is a way to control what
        access a given LPC object or wizard can have to filesystem objects
        like directories and files.

        The following access rights are defined and implemented:
                P       Protect, can modify ACLs
                D       Delete, can delete filesystem objects
                A       Add, can create filesystem objects
                L       List, can get a directory listing
                R       Read, can read files
                W       Write, can write to already existing files

        The following access rights are defined but not implemented:

                U       Use.
                X       eXecute, can clone and load objects.

        Two abbreviations also exists, ALL is all the above rights, and NONE
        is none of the above rights.

        Access can be given to a number of types of 'objects', for example:

                Lpd             A wizard (interactive player really).
                /obj/rope       An LPC object.
                /room/          All objects in the /room directory (as well as
                .ArchWiz        All "objects" in the .ArchWiz group.
                .Lpd.GuildFoo   All "objects" in Lpd's .GuildFoo group.
                $REST           A "catchall".

        An ACL can look something like this:

                Lpd:ALL                 (Lpd have ALL rights)
                Oros:LUR                (Oros have List, Use and Read rights)
                /players/lpd/:ALL       (All objects in ~lpd/ have ALL rights)
                $REST:NONE              (All other 'objects' have no rights)

        One thing to notice is that if there isn't an ACL assigned to a
        filesystem object then the rights will be inherited from the nearest
        parent directory to that object. So if you have an ACL assigned to
        your home directory then the access rights specified in it will
        automatically apply to all your subdirs and files (unless you assign
        another ACL to one of the subdirs or files of course).

        For more information about how to view ACLs, see the 'list_access'
        command (abbreviation 'lac'). To assign and modify ACLs, see the
        'set_access' (abbreviation 'sac') and 'edit_access' ('edac') commands.

        Author: Peter Eriksson , 15 Oct 1993.


        The $REST acts as a minimum acl; if you have an acl like
        the wizard 'bastard' will still get LR rights.

        Beware of giving rights to /obj, /local, etc; then anyone can clone
        wiztools from there and do whatever to your files.


        Beware that the .acl file can be modified by ftp.


        The ACL set for a directory will influence the ACL set for
        specific files in the directory. For example, if you have in
        the .acl:FILE file the entry '/room/fnord:ALL', and FILE does
        not exist, /room/fnord will not be able to create it, unless
        the .acl file contains an entry 'room/fnord:A'.


        list_access in wizcommands/files/list_access


        set_access in wizcommands/files/set_access


        edit_access in wizcommands/files/edit_access