From the NannyMUD documentation
basic_room - A simple standard room.
add_exit add_hidden_exit remove_exit
query_exits query_long short query_dest_dir (compatibiltiy reasons) is_room
sound_effect - Sound effect when entering a location.DESCRIPTION
When a player enters a room, this property is read from the room. If the result is a string, it is processed by the mud_sound system. If the player has enabled sound support, and his client can handle it, a sound can be played at his terminal.NOTE
The sound_effect property is checked just before the sound_ambient property.SEE ALSO
sound_ambient in std/room/basic_roomSEE ALSO
msp in obj/mspPROPERTY NAME
sound_ambient - Ambient sound when entering a location.DESCRIPTION
When a player enters a room, this property is read from the room. If the result is a string, it is processed by the mud_sound system. If the player has enabled sound support, and his client can handle it, ambient sound can be played at his terminal.NOTE
The sound_ambient property is checked just after the sound_effect property.SEE ALSO
sound_effect in std/room/basic_roomSEE ALSO
help_string - Location-specific help.DESCRIPTION
If set, the property will be used with the 'help here' command in the ihelp. It should be used to provide location-specific help. The main focus of this is help for mortals, not wizards.PROPERTY NAME
indoors - Mark this room as being indoors.DESCRIPTION
If set, this property tells the MUD that this location is considered to be indoors.PROPERTY NAME
outdoors - Mark this room as being outdoors.DESCRIPTION
If set, this property tells the MUD that this location is considered to be outdoors.PROPERTY NAME
no_clean_up - Do not use the automatic cleanup.DESCRIPTION
If this property is set in the room, there will be no automatic cleanup. If you are using this, you should be prepared to handle all that yourself - and really do that, too.PROPERTY NAME
hard_clean_up - Use a more thorough cleanup.DESCRIPTION
If set, this room will clean out everything and itself in cleanup, unless there's a player present.PROPERTY NAME
no_obvious_exits - The name says it all.DESCRIPTION
If this property is set, the obvious exits will not appear in the long description.PROPERTY NAME
sort_exits - Sort the exitsDESCRIPTION
If set, the exits in short and long are sorted in a some way. If the property is set to a simple integer, a default order will be applied. In this, the order is n, s, e, w, ne, nw, se, sw, u, d, enter, in, exit and out. Any other exits (if any) are sorted alphabetically. You can get a call to your own sort function by setting the property to the usual eval syntax, either "@func()" or "@path->func()". In the former case, the function 'func' is called in the room object or, if the propery __remote is set, in the remote object. For the latter form, the function 'func' is called in the object described by 'path' (upon which expand_file_name is performed). In all cases will the _second_ argument to the function be a array with all the exit directions. The function must return a re-arrangement of this array.
If things in the rooms inventory has the function query_in_long_short() return a string, this string will be shown just before the obvious exits in the room. Note that the return value of query_in_long_short() is cached, so if you want to remove/add/change any of these descriptions you should call compute_extra_long(0) in the room to flush the cache.
add_exit - Add an exit to this room.SYNTAX
void add_exit(string direction, mixed whereto, [string leave_message, [string check_function] ]);DESCRIPTION
Add an exit in the direction 'direction' leading to the room 'whereto'. Whereto will be passed to eval before any action is taken, with the "move" or "query" as optional_argument. Depending on wether someone is moving or just wants to know the directions. If the eval returns zero, nothing happens and 'What?' is printed. If it returns 1, nothing happens and nothing is printed, all other values are supposed to be the destination to where the player should be moved to. Normally, whereto will simply be a filename, relative to the directory the room is located in. The optional third argument is used as an exit message if present, ie. instead of north in the string 'Foo leaves north.' It is sent to eval in the same way as 'whereto', but eval is always suppose to return a string. The optional fourth argument is a function to call to see if the exit is blocked. If this function returns 1, the player will not be moved. Note that this function might be given as a plain string for compatibility reasons, but you may also give it in the standard eval notation, ie. "@check_south()" or similar.EXAMPLE
add_exit("south", "~mats/wherever2","southwards","check_south"); add_exit("north", "~mats/wherever");
add_hidden_exit - Add a hidden exit to this room.SYNTAX
void add_hidden_exit(string direction, mixed whereto, [string leave_message, [string check_function] ]);DESCRIPTION
This function works just like add_exit(), but adds a hidden exit. A hidden exit is an exit that is never shown in the rooms description, and when used, the players leave message does not reveal the direction.NOTE
If you add both an exit and a hidden exit with the same direction, the normal exit will be used.EXAMPLE
add_hidden_exit("north", "~brom/wherever"); add_hidden_exit("south", "~brom/wherever2", 0, "check_south");
remove_exit - Remove an exitSYNTAX
void remove_exit(string direction);DESCRIPTION
Remove the exit leading in the direction 'direction'.
query_exits - Return a mapping describing exits in this room.SYNTAX
mapping query_exits();DESCRIPTION
This function returns a mapping describing the exits and desctinations in this room. The mapping has the form: ([ "direction 1": INFO_1, "direction 2": INFO_2, ... ]) The 'INFO' can be one of two things: 1/ A string, holding the absolute path to the destination, 2/ An array of information. The array has the following content, matching how 'add_exit' was called for the direction: ({ "/absolute/path/to/destination", "leave message", "check function" })
query_long - Return the long description of the room.SYNTAX
varargs string query_long(string item, int raw)DESCRIPTION
If given no arguments, the long description of the room, including exits, are returned. If the first argument is given, the description as added with add_item for that item is returned. If the second argument is given, the long description is returned, but without the exits added. This can be used if you need to put things between the long description and the exits.
short - Return the short description of the location.SYNTAX
varargs string short(int raw, int no_meta)DESCRIPTION
This function returns the short desc, including dirs. If you provide the argument 'raw', no exits will be added. If you provide the argument 'no_meta', no meta-information (like colour) will be added.
is_room - Is this object a room?SYNTAX
int is_room()DESCRIPTION
This function returns 1, thus ensuring the user that the room can fully function as a room in the MUD. This makes life easier for creating wizards: + You know if a room is, indeed, working as a room. + You don't have to check a lot of filenames. + You can create your own room objects.NOTE
If you define this function in an object which is not a room, you will break lots of things. Please don't do that.