From the NannyMUD documentation
state_monster - A state monster.
/std/monster (do 'man monster' for further details)
add_response add_timeout set_state reset_timeout clear_timeout set_chat_chance add_chat
query_state query_states query_timeout query_timeouts
remove_response remove_timeout remove_chat
listen_to_npc - Makes the state_monster listen to chats by NPCs.DESCRIPTION
Usually monsters respond only to messages coming from the players. Adding this property will make the monster respond to messages coming from NPCs as well. You can make NPCs interact with eachother this way.PROPERTY NAME
speed_chat - Make the monster say the entire chat in one go.DESCRIPTION
Chats are queued, and in each heart beat, only one line of text is displayed. To get the whole queue emptied at once, add this property.PROPERTY NAME
debug_level - Set the level of debug information.DESCRIPTION
Set this to a integer to see debug information that can be vital when debugging a monster.
add_response - Add responses to the monster.SYNTAX
void add_response(string state, string pattern, string response, string new_state)SYNTAX
void add_response(string state, string pattern, string response, string new_state, string flag, int random, int shots)SYNTAX
void add_response(string state, string pattern, string response, string new_state, int random, int shots)DESCRIPTION
With this function you add a response. If thematches, the is executed. Please note that only one (1) is executed at any time. However if a has failed the monster tries to match a new . Therefore, if you have random, the order of the responses affect the chance that they will be carried out. Below is a detailed description of the different arguments: A state is any string you wish, example: "angry". There is however one string that is reserved, "ALL", "ALL" means that this pattern will be matched in "ALL" states. See monster. See monster. A string containing the new_state the monster should end up in. The monster changes state BEFORE the is evaluated (This allows a response function to alter the state to something else, if needed). A '0' (zero) as state means do not change state. See monster. See monster. See monster. EXAMPLE
add_response("ALL","%1 smiles happily.","!smile %L1"); This will cause the monster to smile if someone smiles in the same room as the monster is in. Notice that the %1 is always the exact match of the string. In this case it would be the players name capitalized. So to be able to smile towards the monster we need to first convert it to lower_case thus the %L1 in the response.EXAMPLE
add_response("ALL","%1 massacres Theo.", "$/std/msg->msg(\bPRON cast\b$ a fireball on \b2PRON.\n,%P0,%P1)"); This makes "Theo casts a fireball on you." be typed to the player doing the masacre on Theo.
add_timeout - Add a timeout to the state we just entered.SYNTAX
void add_timeout(string state, int time, string action, string next_state)DESCRIPTION
Whenever the monster changes state it starts a timeout IF there is one defined for this state. When the timeout expires, the monster changes state to. Below is a detailed description of the different arguments: A string with the state the timeout is for. SEE ALSO
add_response in std/monster/monster add_response in std/monster/state_monster
set_state - Set the current state in the monster.SYNTAX
void set_state(string state)DESCRIPTION
Set the current state in the monster to. When this is done a timeout is started if there is one defined for this state.
reset_timeout - Reset the current timeout if any.SYNTAX
void reset_timeout(int new_duration)DESCRIPTION
If you call this function you reset the current timeout if there was any. This means it is started all over again, with a new duration of. If is 0, the original duration will be used.
clear_timeout - Clear the current timeout if any.SYNTAX
void clear_timeout()DESCRIPTION
If there is a timeout running it is stopped. Note that since you can only be in one state at a time, there can only be one timeout running at one time: the one for the current state.
add_chat - Add chat strings.SYNTAX
void add_chat(string state,string chat)SYNTAX
void add_chat(string state, string *chats)DESCRIPTION
This function adds one or more 'chats' to the monster. Chats are strings that the monster will echo when there are players present. You can either give it one chat string at a time, or send it an array of chats. The chats are only performed if the monster is in that state, if state "ALL" was given the chat can be given in all states.
remove_chat - Remove chats.SYNTAX
void remove_chat(string state,string chat)SYNTAX
void remove_chat(string state,string *chat)DESCRIPTION
Remove the chats for the state.
set_chat_chance - Set the chance to be obnoxious.SYNTAX
void set_chat_chance(int chance)DESCRIPTION
This sets the chance (in percent) for the monster to echo one of the chat strings every heart beat. ie. A chance of 1 will in average do a chat every 200 seconds, a chance of 2 will do one every 100 seconds, etc etc.
remove_response - Remove a response.SYNTAX
void remove_response(string state, string pattern)DESCRIPTION
If there was a response inwith a match pattern identical to , it is removed.
remove_timeout - Remove a timeout from a state.SYNTAX
void remove_timeout(string state)DESCRIPTION
If there was a timeout for, it is removed. Note that it doesn't matter if the timeout is actually running or not, it is removed either way.
query_state - Ask the monster what state it is in.SYNTAX
string query_state()DESCRIPTION
Ask the monster what state it is in. The monster returns a string with the current state.
query_states - Ask the monster what states it has.SYNTAX
mapping query_states()DESCRIPTION
This function is mainly used for debugging purposes. It returns a mapping with the entire state structure.
query_timeout - Ask the monster how long time it is left to the timeout.SYNTAX
int query_timeout()DESCRIPTION
Returns the number of seconds to the timeout if any. If there is no timeout running for this state, it returns -1.
query_timeouts - Ask the monster what timeouts it has.SYNTAX
mapping query_timeouts()DESCRIPTION
This function is mainly used for debugging purposes. It returns a mapping with the entire timeout structure.