From the NannyMUD documentation
transfer - move an objectSYNTAX
int transfer(object item, object dest)DESCRIPTION
Move the object "item" to the object "dest". All kinds of tests are done, and a number is returned specifying the result. Use 'transfer' to move objects:+ with weight + to players + to containers + from players + from containersRETURN VALUES
0: Success.1: To heavy for destination.2: Can't be dropped.3: Can't take it out of it's container.4: The object can't be inserted into bags etc.5: The destination doesn't allow insertions of objects.6: The object can't be picked up.NOTE
If an object is transfered to a newly created object, make sure that the new object first is transfered to it's destination.NOTE
Be sure to handle the cases when it fails.SEE ALSO
move_object in efun/object_related/move_objectSEE ALSO
drop in lfun/basic/dropSEE ALSO
get in lfun/basic/getSEE ALSO
can_put_and_get in lfun/basic/can_put_and_get can_put_and_get in lfun/living/living_functionsSEE ALSO
add_weight in lfun/basic/add_weight add_weight in lfun/living/living_functionsSEE ALSO
move_player in lfun/living/move_player