From the NannyMUD documentation





        wizlevels - The level system of NannyMUD wizards.


	This is a list of levels and what we demand for progressing to
	each of them. Note that one way to fall from grace from every
	level, is to break the rules and get demoted.

	From  To  What is needed
	 20   21  Fill in your wizard form, and find a sponsor. This
	          will make people read the rules, and get a first
		  overview of the system. Wizards at level 21 can lose
		  it only by demotion. This is also the level where
		  old, inactive wizards will end up.
	 21   22  Fulfill task 1. This will be something SIMPLE that
	          introduces the new wizard to the problems of editing
		  files, and getting them here. Wizards at level 22
		  can lose it only by demotion.
	 22   23  Fulfill task 2. This will introduce the new wizard
	          to coding, and also hopefully make him aware of what
		  he lacks and need to learn ouside of the game to be
		  a successful creator. Level 23 is the standard wiz
	 23   24  A wizard at level 24 maintains creations available
	          in the game, his own or someone else's. Wizards with
		  no such creations will end up at level 23. This
		  means that if an area is closed, the wizard will be
		  moved to level 23.
	 24   25  The admin appoints 'sponsors' and promote them to
	          level 25. (Naturally, all 25++ are allowed to take
		  on a sponsee or two.) A sponsor can snoop lower
		  level wizards, as this makes helping and debugging
		  easier. Sponsors will drop to level 24 if any of the
		  below is true:
		  + the sponsor isn't active.
		  + the sponsor has no sponsees, and refuses to take
		    one on.
		  + the sponsor doesn't work actively with the sponsee
		    without a very good reason (and admin is the judge
		    of the validity of the reason).
		  + the sponsee stops creating before reaching lvl 24.
		  The sponsor is there to answer the sponsees
		  questions, help him create and inspect the sponsees
		  area before the sponsee asks the admin to open it.

         26       Coding mentors; to whom both new wizards and their
	          sponsors can direct questions about coding and the
		  usage of the lib.
	 27	  Skilled wizards; an honorary title rewarded to
	          wizards the admin feel has contributed to Nanny's
	          best in various ways. This might for example be
	          rewarded to anyone who donates a new machine or have
	          been a good sponsor for rather long. The admin makes
	          the decision of promotion, and also has the right to
	          move wizards down from level 27.
	 28	  A position for possible future admin. If not found
	          to be	suitable in the end, the wizard falls to
		  level 27.
	 30	  Retired high wizards.
	 33	  Retired arch wizards.
	 35	  Active high wizards.
	 40	  Active arch wizards.

	 42	  Active driver hacker.
	 50	  The God.


        tasks in wizinfo/tasks