From the NannyMUD documentation





        tasks - How to advance to full wizard.


	This is a list of suitable tasks for wizards going from level
	21 to 22, and from level 22 to 23. Tasks for the first case
	are labeled '1', and tasks for the second are labeled '2'.

	It is the sponsor who decides what is a suitable task for the
	sponsee, and when that task has been fulfilled.

	All level 1 tasks must result in the wizard doing them writing
	a file on Nanny. This is to train them using an editor, and
	learn how to move files here.
	Type	Task
	 1	Fix the typo in your workroom.

	 1	Find a place for your area and write a fitting synopsis.
	 1	Re-work your workroom in a personal style, without any
	        extra features added.

	 1	Go through some old area and find typo's and missing
	        items in descs.

	 1	Come up with new variations or random moments for old
	 1      Make a map over some part of NannyMUD. This is not to
	        be a map based on locations and directions inbetween;
		rather, it is to be a map in the style of Earendils
		map on the WWW pages.

	 1	Think up an extensive set of new feelings for the
	        soul, a	guild or a club.
	 1	In cooperation with someone in charge, make a WWW page
	        (text and pics) for some missing item on the WWW pages.
	 1	Check language and grammar of WWW, doc or help texts.
	        This is not an easy task and the wizard doing it must
		be an english major or so.
	 1	Go through an area and quality-check it. It can be
	        done to an open area or to an area a wizard is coding
		and wants checked before opening. This is a rather
		large task, suitable for new wizards with prior
		mud-coding experience. It also requires us to define
		what we mean by quality.
	Level 2 tasks must train the wizard in coding techiques.
	Mainly it is 'filling out a template', but for wizards with
	coding experience, it can involve some real LPC coding.

	 2	Make a new object to /std/constructors. Look in
	        /std/lib.c, first.
	 2	Make a fancy monster with responses.
	 2	Re-make the castle, and find out how to add an
	        entrance to the	area.
	 2	Re-code your workroom in a personal style with added
	 2	Make a weapon with items, hit-function and hit-lines.
	 2	Make an armour with special effects.
	 2	Make a container, and some content to it.
	 2	Specific small coding problem supplied by the sponsor.


	If you have suggestions on tasks that should be in this list, please
	let us know.


        sponsor in std/module/default/sponsor
        sponsor in wizcommands/info/sponsor


        wizlevels in wizinfo/wizlevels