From the NannyMUD documentation





        feelings - NannyMUD feelings and the soul.


        This document describes the old /obj/soul. You don't want to
	use that; you want to use /std/soul/soul instead. This
	document is kept for historical reasons.

	Normally you shouldn't make objects that contains 'feelings' because
	they should be handled by /obj/soul. If you however feel that your
	feelings doesn't belong in the standard soul it is now possible to
	patch them into the standard soul with the use of the following
	functions in the soul.

	Note that that if you patch in feelings in the soul they will not stay
	there permanently. Therefore you will normally have to patch the
	players soul every time he log on. Easiest way to do that is to use an
	autoloading object. If your feelings belong to a guild, the
	guildobject should be used.

	add_verb(mapping m)
	This function adds verbs to the soul. They will stay there until
	removed or until soul is destructed. (ie. when player log off)
	The argument m is a mapping of the same format as the one in the
	beginning of /obj/soul as the format is quite complex I will not
	go into details here but advice you to learn from the numerous
	examples in /obj/soul.

	remove_verb(string *v)
	Remove_verbs removes verbs previously added to the soul, not that
	the standard verbs present from the beginning in the soul cannot
	be changed nor removed.

	add_adverb(string *v)
	With this function you can add adverbs to the soul. It's as
	simple as that. In all other resepects it works just as add_verbs.

	remove_adverb(string *v)
	With this function you can remove adverbs previously added.
	Note that you can not remove adverbs that are there by default.