From the NannyMUD documentation





        damagetypes - Supported damage types.


        This is a list of damage types you can use in /std weapons and
        livings. Usage of these is recommended, since it'll help increase the
        variety in the game.

        Note that the damage done can be modified by the use of protections
        and sensitivities. The types affect which hit messages are printed. 

        In a weapon (/std/simple_weapon), simply do set_type(DAMAGE_ TYPE);
        In a living, simply do add_property("damage_type", DAMAGE_TYPE);

        NAME              COMMENT AND EXAMPLES
        default         - The 'old' type of damage message.
        crush           - This is for crushing damage, example club, hammer.
        slash           - For slashing damage, example sword, claws.
        pierce          - Impale damage, example spear, stinger.
        chop            - Chopping damage, example axe, cutlass.
        hand-to-hand    - This is for unarmed humanoid combat, boxing style
                          (no kicks).
        fire            - Fire damage, example fire elemental, flaming sword.
        electricity     - Lightning/electricity damage, e.g lightning bolt.
        cold            - Cold damage, example frost dragon breath.
        drain           - Energy drain damage, example nasty undeads.
        acid            - Acid burns, example acidic spittle.
        bite            - Bite attacks, mainly for monsters that have bite as
                          their natural way of fighting (example lion, wolf).
        lash            - Lash attacks, whip-like damage.
        claw            - Claw attacks, mainly for monsters that have claws
                          as their natural way of fighting (example cat).
        magic           - Attacks involving raw magical energy, example
                          energy blasts not specifically of the types above.

        default: ({"missed", "",
                  "tickled", " in the stomach",
                  "grazed", "",
                  "hit", "",
                  "hit", " hard",
                  "hit", " very hard",
                  "smashed", " with a bonecrushing sound",
                  "massacred", " into small fragments",})

        crush: ({"missed", "",
                 "patted", " on the stomach",
                 "bruised", "",
                 "hit", "",
                 "hit", " hard",
                 "dealt"," a crushing blow",
                 "smashed", " with a bonecrushing sound",
                 "demolished", " into a bloody pulp"})

        slash: ({"missed", "",
                "nicked", " in the stomach",
                "cut", " lightly",
                "slashed", "",
                "slashed", " in the chest",
                "slashed", " across the face",
                "cut a deep bleeding wound in","",
                "gutted", " with a mighty slash making blood gush all over"})

        pierce: ({"missed", "",
                  "poked", " in the stomach",
                  "pricked a small hole in", "",
                  "pierced", "",
                  "pierced", " badly",
                  "punctured", " very badly",
                  "dealt", " a deep piercing blow",
                  "impaled", " mere inches from the heart"})

        chop: ({"missed", "",
                "scratched", " in the stomach",
                "grazed", "",
                "hacked a wound in", "",
                "hacked a deep wound in", "",
                "chopped a very deep wound in", "",
                "opened a wide bleeding gash in", "",
                "nearly decapitated", " with an incredible swing"})

        lash: ({"missed", "",
                "stung", " lightly",
                "whipped", " leaving a red mark",
                "whipped", " mercilessly",
                "lashed out at", " drawing blood",
                "lashed out at", " shredding skin",
                "scourged", " with great fury",
                "thrashed", " into a bloody mess",})

        hand-to-hand: ({"missed", "",
                        "jabbed", " lightly",
                        "punched", "",
                        "punched", " hard",
                        "hit", " with a "+(random(2)?"right":"left")+" cross",
                        "hit", " with a nasty uppercut",
                        "struck", " with a vicious blow",
                        "knocked", " out, making teeth fly all over",})

        fire: ({"missed","",
                "warmed", " slightly",
                "singed", "",
                "burned", "",
                "burned", " badly",
                "scorched", " severely",
                "enveloped", " in roaring flames",
                "immolated", " leaving little but ashes",})

        electricity: ({"missed", "",
                       "jolted", " slightly",
                       "shocked", "",
                       "shocked", " badly",
                       "made", " jerk convulsively",
                       "shocked", " causing horrible spasms",
                       "engulfed", " in a huge ball of lightning",
                       "electrocuted", " in a torrent of violent lightning",})

         cold: ({"missed", "",
                 "chilled", " slightly",
                 "numbed", "",
                 "dealt", " serious frostbites",
                 "drained all warmth from", "",
                 "coated", " with ice",
                 "assaulted", " with unearthly cold",
                 "froze", " into a solid block of ice",})

         drain: ({"missed", "",
                  "weakened", " slightly",
                  "drained", "",
                  "drained", " of energy",
                  "made", " shudder with loss of life",
                  "withered", "",
                  "sucked the soul from", "",
                  "disintegrated", " to ashes",})

         acid: ({"missed", "",
                 "sprinkled drops of acid on", "",
                 "scarred", "",
                 "burned", " with acid",
                 "covered", " with burning acid",
                 "burned", " horribly with acid",
                 "corroded", " melting flesh and bone",
                 "dissolved", " completely",})

         bite: ({"missed", "",
                 "nibbled on", "",
                 "bit", " lightly",
                 "gnawed on", "",
                 "bit", " hard",
                 "bit a large wound in", "",
                 "tore a large chunk of flesh from", "",
                 "nearly ripped", " in half with a fierce bite",})

         claw: ({"missed", "",
                 "scratched", " lightly",
                 "scratched", "",
                 "clawed a wound in", "",
                 "clawed", " viciously",
                 "raked a bleeding gash in", "",
                 "ripped into", ", tearing muscle and sinew",
                 "gutted", " spilling bowels all over the place",})

         magic: ({"missed", "",
                  "touched", " ethereally",
                  "made", " glow with magic",
                  "stunned", " with a surge of magic",
                  "seared", " with magical energy",
                  "scourged", " with arcane energy",
                  "blasted", " into oblivion",
                  "annihilated", " in a furious prismatic storm",})


        There are also some damage types there are no hit messages for, but
        that are still applicable. For example, if you code a poison that
        deals damage every once in a while, and the player has the property
        protection_poison set, then the player would take no damage if the
        poison deals 'poison' type damage. These types are any not listed
        above that there are properties protection_ or sensitivity_ for.
        Important ones would (at the last update of this document) be:


        terrain in wizinfo/terrain