From the NannyMUD documentation
wizlist - list of various stats for each wizardSYNTAX
This is a list of statistics over wizards and their areas. It is NOT a top-score list, as some are inclined to believe. If there are many wizards, not all wizlist data is printed. Give 'name' if you want to look at a special wizard (like yourself).Columns: 0: Wizard/guild name. 1: Nr of commands per 100 hours. 2: Percent of total command count. 3: Order as per column 1. 4: evaluated nodes (in 1000 nodes / 10 hours) 5: called heart beats (heart_beats / 10 hours) 6: called call_outs (call_outs / 10 hours) 7: Experience + money given to players by this wizard (worth / 10 hours). 8: Total number of indices used in arrays.The score decays with 1 % every reset, and is saved and restored from file when reboot of game.NOTE
Yes, you get points for running around in your area. Please don't.