From the NannyMUD documentation





        getopts - Get options from a string.




	mapping getopts(string switches, string data)



	A switch cluster is a set of one or more character, prepended
	with the character '-'. For example, '-a' , '-np' and '-usljh'
	are switch clusters, while 'foo', 'bar' and 'gnu' are not.


	This function processes single character switches with switch
	clustering. The string 'switches' contains all the switches
	you are asking about, and the string 'data' will be checked
	for the switches. If a switch in the 'switch' string is
	followed by a ':', it will take an argument.

	The switches are collected in a mapping, which is then
	returned. The switches are the indices in this mapping and the
	arguments are the values, or 1 if no value. Switches that take
	an argument do not care if there is a space in between the
	switch and the argument; thus such switches must be last in a
	switch cluster. A problem is then if the switch is followed by
	another switch cluster; the switch is NOT set in this case.

	Whatever isn't a switch cluster nor an argument to a switch is
	collected with the special index "$REST". If nothing such is
	found, $REST is set to an empty string, "".


	This function, getopts, can be used as an easy and convenient
	way of detecting options to a wizard command. 


	In order to keep the game a fantasy illusion for the mortal
	players, this function should not be used to parse player


	Some of the behaviour (notably what happens to a switch
	demanding an argument last in a cluster, directly followed by
	another switch cluster) are due to design decisions and could
	perhaps been done in some other ways. Also, a single '-' is


	The order in which the switches are provided is ignored. This
	means that you can have the switches anywhere on the command


	Switches: "a:bc"
	Data:     "-bca 12"
	Result:   ([ a : 12,  b : 1,  c : 1,  "$REST" : "" ])

	Switches: "abcdefghijkl"
	Data:     "-a -b -cde fgh -lkji"
	Result:   ([ a : 1,  b : 1,  c : 1,  d : 1, 
		     e : 1,  i : 1,  j : 1,  k : 1,  l : 1,
		     "$REST" : "fgh" ])

	Switches: "n:l:u:f:abcd"
	Data:     "-n brom foo -u12 -l 4 -afbcd -c"
	Result:   ([ a : 1,  c : 1,   f : "bcd",
		     l : 5,  u : 12,  n : "brom",
		     "$REST" : "foo" ])

	Switches: "a:bc"
	Data:     "-a -bc"
	Result:   ([ b : 1,  c : 1,  $REST : "" ])