From the NannyMUD documentation
port - A port in a transport system.
set_callmessage set_failmsg_busy set_failmsg_coming set_failmsg_here set_portname set_controller add_callcmd add_route
query_route query_portname
This is the port in a transport system.
transport in std/transport/transport
set_callmessage - Message when calling a transport.LOCATION
void set_callmessage(string msg)DESCRIPTION
This function sets the message displayed when a transport is called. The message is run through std/msg.EXAMPLE
set_callmessage("\bPRON call\b$ a transport.\n");
set_failmsg_busy - Message when transports are busy.LOCATION
void set_failmsg_busy(string msg);DESCRIPTION
Sets the message to be displayed when a player calls a transport, but all transports are busy. The message is run through std/msg.EXAMPLE
set_busymessage("\bPRON fail\b$ to call a transport.\n");
set_failmsg_coming - Message when transport is already on way.LOCATION
void set_failmsg_coming(string msg);DESCRIPTION
Sets the message to be displayed when a player calls a transport, but there is already a transport on its way to that port. The message is run through std/msg.EXAMPLE
set_comingmessage("\bPRON tr\b{y,ies} to call a transport, but " + "there is already one on its way.\n");
set_failmsg_here - Message when transport is already here.LOCATION
void set_failmsg_here(string msg);DESCRIPTION
Sets the message to be displayed when a player calls a transport, but there is already a transport in that port. The message is run through std/msg.EXAMPLE
set_heremessage("\bPRON tr\b{y,ies} to call a transport, but there " + "is already one here.\n");
set_port_name - Set the name of the port.LOCATION
void set_portname(string portname);DESCRIPTION
This function sets the name of the port. This name is used when specifying destination for travelling.
set_controller - Set the transport controller daemon.LOCATION
void set_controller(string filename);DESCRIPTION
Specifies which controller daemon the transport belongs to. The argument is the filename of the controller object.
add_callcmd - Add a command that calls the transport.LOCATION
void add_callcmd(string command);DESCRIPTION
This function adds a command that can be used to call a transport. One port can have several different commands.EXAMPLE
add_travelcmd("call ferry");EXAMPLE
add_travelcmd("signal ferry");
add_route - Add the route to another port.LOCATION
void add_route(string port, string *route);DESCRIPTION
In each port in a transport system that uses routes, all outbound routes need to be defined with this function. The first argument is the filename of the destination port for the route. The second argument is the path, an array of directions.NOTE
The directions need to be exits in the rooms along the path, but not necessarily accessible for players (can be blocked with a check-function).EXAMPLE
in port1.c: add_route("/players/wizard/port2",({"east","north","east","up"})); in port2.c: add_route("/players/wizard/port1",({"down","west","south","west"}));
query_route - The route to another port.LOCATION
string *query_route(string port);DESCRIPTION
Returns the route to the specified port. The argument is the filename of the destination port.
query_portname - The name of the port.LOCATION
Returns the name of the port.
call_transport - Call a transport to this port.LOCATION
void call_transport();DESCRIPTION
This function calls a transport to the port. Read the source before calling this function yourself.NOTE
This can be called when making your own callfunction, because you want a different behaviour. Normally, don't use this function.