From the NannyMUD documentation
verb format - The format used by verbs in the soul.DESCRIPTION
The verb format is rather complex and the best way to learn it is to read a few examples. The soul_data.h contains the verbdata for all the basic verbs and that is a good thing to study first. It is basically a string with modifiers that will be replaced with other strings depending on what the player types, and who sees the message. Here is an explanation of the format: Each verb is connected to a certain verbdata. Be it a private, club/guild or basic verb, they all look the same; ([ string verb: mixed *verdata ]), where the verbdata is either an object or the file name of an object (which is explained in sould/reduce_verb) or the normal verbdata array; ({ int type, mixed defaults, string text1, string text2, string text3, ... }), where the defaults is 0 or an array of this type; ({ string adverb, string message, string body_part, mixed preposition }), where the preposition is either a string with the only available preposition or an array; ({ string default_preposition, string 2nd_preposition, string 3rd_preposition, ... }). VERB TYPE The type of the verb defines the general look of the feeling. You should try to use the type that is most simple when you create new feelings. The verb types and how they work:Type Shows ------------------------------------------------------------- 0 (SIMP) text1 1 (DEFA) " " + verb + "$ \nHOW \nAT" 2 (DEUX) text1 for the performer text2 for the audience 3 (PERS) text1 (if no targets) text2 (if targets) 4 (QUAD) text1 for the performer (if no targets) text2 for the audience (if no targets) text3 for the performer (if targets) text4 for the audience (if targets) 5 (PREV) " " + verb + "$" + text1 + " \nWHO \nHOW" 6 (SHRT) " " + verb + "$" + text1 + " \nHOW" 7 (PHYS) " " + verb + text1 + " \nWHO \nHOW \nWHERE" 8 (FULL) text1 for the performer (if no targets) text2 for the targets (if no targets) text3 for the audience (if no targets) text4 for the performer (if no targets, meta) text5 for the targets (if no targets, meta) text6 for the audience (if no targets, meat) text7 for the performer (if targets) text8 for the targets (if targets) text9 for the audience (if targets) text10 for the performer (if targets, meta) text11 for the targets (if targets, meta) text12 for the audience (if targets, meta)(The meta texts should not have the 3rd person singular 's' at the end of the verb. It is used by some meta verbs, like fail and don't). STRING MODIFIERSThe text strings can contain the following special modifiers and they will be replaced by appropriate words; ------------------------------------------------------------- \nHOW = adverbs \nWHERE = body location on target \nMSG = quoted text \nWHAT = text \nPREP = preposition $ = "" or "s" (jump$ -> jump or jumps) $$ = "" or "es" (do$$ -> do or does) $$$ = "y" or "ies" (tr$$$ -> try or tries) \nYOUR = possessive pronoun of self \nYOU = objective pronoun of self \nMYself = reflexive pronoun of self \nPRON = subjective pronoun of self \nWHO = nouns of targets \nAT = "\nPREP \nWHO" if targets or "" if not \nPOSS = possessive target \nTHEIR = possessive pronouns of targets \nOBJ = objective pronouns of targets \nSUBJ = subjective pronouns of targets \nIS = are/is (for target)