From the NannyMUD documentation
whom - The whom module.
The whom module provides a set of commands which allows you to see various stats and data regarding characters logged on and off. The commands are only usable for wizards that have been sponsored, i.e. achieved a higher wizard level than the first. who - The basic who command gwho - The more general who command. Finger - A finger command. people - Classical wizcommand.
who - Wizard basic who commandSYNTAX
who [-h] [-?] who [-q] [-w|m|p|2|t|k|b] [-n] [-g] [-s [-r] [-v ] DESCRIPTION
The 'who' command offers information about the people logged on. There is a set of filters, a set of sorts and a set of views towards the gathered data. Also, two flags will trigger the presentation of a help text: Flags: -h Show a help text. -? Ditto. -n Show wizard true names in default view. The filters can be applied after each other, it is for example possible to use this to see data for unmarried female playerkillers only. The available filters are: -w Show only wizards. -p Show only paragons. -m Show only mortals. -2 Show only seconds -t Show only test characters. -k Show only playerkillers -b u Show only unmarried people. -b m Show only married people. -g n Show only neuters. -g m Show only males. -g f Show only females. The result can be sorted woth respect to several things. Note that only one sort criteria will be in effect. If you specify more than one, you will get one of them. Exactly which one isn't possible to guess. The reverse sort isn't a sort per se, it just reverses the result of a sort. The available sorts are: -s m Sort on money. -s x Sort on XP. -s n Sort on names. -s l Sort on location. -s a Sort on age. -s q Sort on %qp done for wizard. -s h Sort on host name. -s i Sort on idle time. -r Reverse sort. There are several views that can be used to present the data. Each view is slightly different in what data is presented, and how it looks. The available views are: -v compact Use a very compact view. This shows mortal, paragon, wiz, admin, LD, idle, and away status, gender and the characters name. -v combat Use combat-oriented view. This shows the lvl, gender, test, 2nd, INT, DEX, CON and STR, alignment, XP, money, qp, qp to wiz, and guild of the listed characters. -v default Use the default view. This shows the name, title and alignent description for the characters. -v detailed Use detailed view. This shows name, level, gender, test and 2nd stats, the four stats, alignment, XP, money, qp, qp to wiz, and guild. -v net Use net-oriented view. This shows name, level, ip-number, and ident-info. -v social Use a social view. This shows name, gender, married-status, name of the spouse, if the spouse is on, who married them, and when they were wed. -v wizard Use wizard view. This shows the name, level, paragonlevel, gender, LD/test/2nd/PK/editing status, %QP done for wizard, idle time and away message. -v exotic Use exotic view. This shows ghost, real-ghost, dead, frog and wimpy status, carry/max, name, soaked, stuffed, wet and race.EXAMPLE
Show names and titles for everyone: who Show all mortal unmarried female playerkillers on: who -m -b u -g f -k -v social Show lots of data for all paragons on, and sort on XP: who -p -s x -v detailed
sponsors - List wizards with sponsoring ability that are logged on.SYNTAX
This command will list the wizards currently logged on, who can possibly sponsor a new wizard.
Finger - The wizard Finger commandSYNTAX
Finger [-h] [-?]SYNTAX
Finger [-l] [-o] [-n]DESCRIPTION
The Finger command shows a set of data for a character, who might be logged on or not. Flags: -h Show short help text. -? Ditto. -l Include the characters 'plan' in the shown text. -o Don't show age over 30 days as months, but as days. -n Don't use name expansion, even if you have it on.
people - The traditional people command++.LOCATION
This command is located in the 'whom' module.SYNTAX
people [-FIMOSacilmnoprstw] [minlevel | player | path]DESCRIPTION
List the name, level, flags (see below), hostname, age and environment for all player. The flags are grouped into a three-character code: M The character is male. F The character is female. O The character is neuter. - The character is non of the above. I The character is idle. A The character is away E The character is editing. T The character is a test character. H The character is hard invisible. The flags induces filtering of what characters are shown, how they are sorted and a little on what is presented and how. The flags are: -F Show females only. -I Show only non-idle players. -M Show males only. -O Show neuters only. -S Show level and paragonlevel summed. Implies -m . -a Sort alphabetically. -a a Sort on age. -a aa Sort on idletime. -a aaa Sort on hostname. -a aaaa Sort on location file name. -a aaaaa Sort on ip number. -c List country code. -i Prepend hostname with ident information. -l Add 5 columns to middle column. -m Only show mortals. -n Show number of shown players. -o Show hostname as ip number. -p Only show paragons. -r List in reverse order. -s Don't show environment. -t Show age over 30 days as months -w Only show wizards.
gwho - The generic who command.SYNTAX
gwho [-h] [-?]SYNTAX
gwho [-f LIST] [-v LIST] [-s LIST] [-l minlvl] [-u maxlvl] [-c code]DESCRIPTION
Using this command, you can build a customised who command, showing exactly what you want and no less. The generality of this command makes it perhaps a trifle hard to use; it is recommended that you define a set of convenient aliases in your MUD client for your favourite combos. Flags: -h Show a help text. -? Show a help text. -c code Show only characters with this country code. -l lvl Show only characters with this level or higher. -u lvl Show only characters with this level or lower. -f LIST Apply filters. -s LIST Sort the result after filtering. -r Reverse the result of sorting. -v LIST View those data. The LIST is a comma-separated list of mnemonics. There is a separate list of possible mnemonics for each of the f, s and v flag. The filter flag, 'f', accepts a set of simple mnemonics, which can be negated by prepending them with '!', and a set of pattern-matching mnemonics. The simple mnemonics are: away Show only characters with an away message set. born Show only characters which has their birth time set. brief Show only characters in brief mode. female Show only female characters. fight Show only characters in fight. frog Show only frogged characters. ghost Show only ghosts. invis Show only invis characters. ld Show only link dead characters. male Show only male characters. married Show only married characters. mortals Show only mortals. neuter Show only neuters. paragon Show only paragons. pk Show only playerkillers. present Show only those present at your location. realghost Show only real ghosts. second Show only seconds. test Show only test characters. unmarried Show only unmarried characters. viewnews Show only characters who read news. vis Show only visible characters. wizards Show only wizards. !away Show only characters without an away message. !born Show only character that has no birth time set. !brief Show only characters not in brief mode. !female Show only non-female characters. !fight Etc. !frog !ghost !invis !ld !male !mortals !neuter !paragon !pk !present !realghost !second !test !viewnews !vis !wizards Show only non-wizards. The filtering based on pattern-matching is done on a sub-string basis, and it is case insensitive. The filters are: bornstring Filter on players birth string. guild Filter on guild. host Filter on hostname. ident Filter on ident information. iploc Filter on set RL location. tellfrom Filter on 'last tell from'. name Filter on player name. race Filter on player race (frog, or human, or so). www Filter on www address. location Filter on location filename (or part of). The 's' flag allows you to sort what is left after filtering. The first mnemonic in the list determines the primary sort, the second the secondary sort, etc. The following mnemonics are accepted by the sorting: ac age al allmoney altattack altitle attack attackers away bank born busy col con country countryname dex email envshort gender genderstring host hp hpp icq ident idle iploc ipnr int intox level location maxhp maxsp maxweight mmsgin mmsgout money msgin msgout name np nrpuzzles nrquests paragonlevel party path qp qpp questmax race realname realname rows second soak sp spp str stuff tellfrom term test title wc weight wet wimpy wiztool www xp The list of mnemonics accepted by the 'v' flag determines what data will be presented. Every mnemonic is associated with a format and a header. From this, a single line is built with data for every user left after filtering, as well as a header. Note that some fields does NOT have a fixed width, as their length cannot be known in advance. Pieces that does not match a mnemonic exactly, will be incorporated into the header. Since space and '-' cannot be used in the list due to the option parsing, special mnemonics are available for those. space Add a space in the listing. blank Add a space in the listing. minus Add a hypen in the listing. dash Add a hypen in the listing. newline Break the line here. Listing continues on next line. tab Equivalent to 'space,space,space,space'. ac The armour class. admin Admin status. age The characters age. al The character alignment. allmoney The characters money, including credit card. altattack Name of alt-attacker. altitle Alignment title attack Name of attacker. attackers The number of attackers. away Away message. bank Money in the bank. born The birth-time, as an integer. bornstring The birth-time, as a date. brief Brief mode status. busy How busy the character is. col The number of columns the character has set. con The characters con. country Upper-case, two character country-code. countryname Country name. dex The characters dex. email The characters email address. envshort Short desc of characters env. female Is the character character female? fight Attacker and character at same location? frog Frog status. gender The characters gender (numerical). genderstring Male, Female or Neuter. ghost Ghost status guild The players guild. host The characters host. hp The characters current HP. hpp The characters current HP as percent of max HP. icq The ICQ UIN of the character. ident Ident information about the character. idle The idle time of the character. int The characters int. intox The characters intoxication. invis Invis status. iploc RL location, if set. ipnr The players ipnumber. ld Link dead status. level The characters level. location Filename of environment. male Is the character male? married Is the character married? marriedby Who married the character? marriedwhen When did the character get married? maxhp The characters max HP. maxsp The characters max SP. maxweight The characters max carruing capability. mmsgin The characters mmsgin. mmsgout The characters mmsgout. money The characters money. mortals Is the character a mortal? msgin The characters msgin. msgout The characters msgout. name The characters name. np The characters NannyPoints neuter Is the character aneuter? nrpuzzles The nr of puzzles the character has solved. nrquests The nr of quests the character has solved. paragon Is the character a paragon? paragonlevel The characters paragonlevel. party The name of the characters party. path The current path of the characters wiztool. pk Is the character PK? qp The characters QP. qpp The characters QP, in percent, done to wizardhood. questmax The characters qpmax. race The characters race. realghost Is the character a real ghost? rows The number of rows set by the character. second Is the character a second? soak How soaked the character is. sp The characters SP. spouse The characters spouse. spp The characters SP in percent of max SP. ssecond Show who's 2nd the character is. stest Show who's testchar the character is. str The characters str. stuff How stuffed the character is. tellfrom Name of whom did the last tell to the character. term The characters terminal type. test Is the character a test-char? title The characters title. unmarried Is the character unmarried? viewnews Does the character see the news at login? vis Is the character invisible? wc The characters wc. weight The characters current carryied weight. wet How wet the character is. wimpy How wimpy the character is. wizard Is the character a wizard. wiztool Filename of the wizards wistool. www The characters www address. xp The characters XP.EXAMPLE
Show name, level and host for those whose host-name contain the substring .liu : gwho -v name,space,level,space,host -f host:.liuEXAMPLE
Show the name of everyone whose name contains the letter 'o': gwho -v name -f name:oEXAMPLE
Show all unmarried female playerkillers on: gwho -v name,space,gender,space,pk -f unmarried,female,pkEXAMPLE
Show all male knights on-line, and add a kind of frame: gwho -v name,|,space,gender,pk,space,|,space,guild -f male,guild:kniEXAMPLE
Show all on with who has their birth-time set, whose birthday is in March: gwho -v name,tab,bornstring -f born,bornstring:March