From the NannyMUD documentation
lookupp - Have a look in the property database.LOCATION
Wizmod, module 'default'.SYNTAX
This command allows you to look up a property in the property database, and also the see what properties there are in a group. Valid groups are: Objects Show properties for objects. Rooms Show properties for rooms. Players Show properties for players. Livings Show properties for livings. Monsters Show properties for monsters. ALL Show all properties. This is the command you use view the data in the database. If you use athen the -F and -V is worthless. Flags: -F Show what groups the property/properties belong to, and its status. This will be shown in the form ( ;status), with one-letter abbrevations based on the list above: ORPLM. -V Only of use when giving a group as an argument, this flah makes the command present a list of the format -W The given argument is used as a substring; all properties whose description contains will be shown. -L Show all properties. -L -w Show all properties that have the given string as substring in their names.