From the NannyMUD documentation
logger - Logging things to keep track of events in your area.
detailed_log For those who know what they are doing, exactly. logit Works as in the old loggers. simple_log Simple to use for logging kills. kill_hook Easiest of all to use, are the hooks. die_hook get_parsed_data Gives the raw data. get_log Gives processed data. query_last_time Gives when a log-entry was last done. clear_all_data Removes all data saved so far.
INTRODUCTION This logging system allows for easy logging of events in your area, especially whom kills what and is killed. It can be used to log other things too, without much problem. The system have several features: + few file accesses (which keeps down the lag it generates). + data is cached (which causes fewer file accesses). + logging turns off if area is closed. + logging turns off if the wizard hasn't been on for long, and it does not start again just for him logging on 1 second. + log-files resides in your directory, but has some limits imposed. FORMAT The logg written by this logger is in a special format. Entries are indexed by a time-stamp and a counter. Every entry contains the information: TAG Typically "died" or "kill". TIME The time. LEVEL The level of the living. NAME The name of the living. GUILD The guild of the living. ASSISTS A space-separated list of names of helpers. You can cram whatever you want into those strings and ints, since in the end it is you who will have to build tables and such from the data, and you should then know what you have logged. HOW TO USE There are many ways in which the logger can be used, but most natural would be to inherit the logger and a creating a separate room that analyses and presents the material. The simple approach: 1/ Copy the file /std/special/logger/logger_inherit.c to a good place in your directory structure. 2/ Copy the file /std/special/logger/log_room.c to a good place in your directory structure. 3/ Change the #define in the log-room to point at your own logger. 4/ Add more code to the log-room to suit your own taste. As for logging, there are several ways of doing it. Most convinient in most cases, are the hooks as they can easily be added to monsters you clone: + for logging whom killed your monsters, just add a die-hook to it. + for logging whom your monsters killed, just add a kill-hook to it. For more control and in order of complexity, you can call simple_log(), logit() and detailed_log() from remote_real_monster_died() in your monster.
The logger will create a save file in your homedir named 'logger.o' which will hold all entries. The logger will occasionally remove entries: 1/ Entries older than 90 days will be removed. 2/ At most 999 entries will be kept in the file. This corresponds heuristically to a 50k log-file of the traditional type.
detailed_log -SYNTAX
int detailed_log(string mess, int time, int lvl, string name, string guild, string *assist)DESCRIPTION
This function allows you to log exactly what it is you want, mainly by feeding it already processed data. In order to keep things working, you HAVE to provide all the arguments, with correct types.
logit -SYNTAX
int logit(string mess, mixed ob, object *assist)DESCRIPTION
This function is closely related to the only function available in the original loggers. The string 'mess' is the tag, usually "kill" or so, the 'ob' is the agent doing the deed, and 'assist' is an array of objects assisting in the deed.NOTE
There are only two reasons why you would want to use this: 1/ You're a masochist and like pain, or 2/ You're not really logging kills. If you're none of the above, you most probably want to use the function simple_log().
simple_log -SYNTAX
int simple_log(string mess, object monster)DESCRIPTION
This function is what you want to use. The logger then sorts out things like the killer, his level, guild, and assists.
kill_hook -SYNTAX
void kill_hook(mixed array, object killer)DESCRIPTION
This is the function that will be called if you added a kill-hook to your monster. It will log things when your monster kills things, like players.
die_hook -SYNTAX
void die_hook(mixed array, object victim)DESCRIPTION
This is the function that will be called if you added a die-hook to your monster. It will log things when your monster dies.
get_parsed_data -SYNTAX
mapping get_parsed_data()DESCRIPTION
This function returns acopy of the raw data. This is a mapping: ([ string TIME_KEY, ({ string TAG , int LEVEL , string NAME , string GUILD , string ASSISTS }), ... ])
get_log -SYNTAX
mixed get_log()DESCRIPTION
Calling this function gives you an array of arrays. The format is: ({ ({ string TAG , int TIME , int LEVEL , string NAME , string GUILD , string ASSISTS }), ... }) which should be easy enough to process into whatever presentation you wish for.
query_last_time -SYNTAX
int query_last_time()DESCRIPTION
This function gives you the time when a log-entry was last made.