From the NannyMUD documentation
2005-11-10 by Gabe
look - An object that diplays objects to the player.
describe_inventory display_look display_thing
This object provides functions that allows a player to see things through the examine and look commands. The functions are useful if you wish to emulate this behaviour through your own commands.
describe_inventory - A description of an object's inventory.LOCATION
/obj/player.c through /obj/look.cSYNTAX
varargs string describe_inventory(object o, int use_pluralize, object player)DESCRIPTION
This function is used by display_look() and display_thing() to list the inventory of the object, below its long description. It will use the colour settings of the player (or this_player()), and will pluralize multiple identical objects if specified.
display_look - Display a room to a player.LOCATION
/obj/player.c through /obj/look.cSYNTAX
varargs void display_look(object room, int use_verbose, object player)DESCRIPTION
Display the room, with contents to the player. If use_verbose is set, it will force verbose mode as opposed to using the settings of the player. If no player is specified, it will default to this_player(). If no room is specified, it will default to the room the player is in. The contents listing of a room can be supressed by using the function query_contents.SEE ALSO
query_contents in lfun/room/query_contents
display_thing - Display an object or item to a player.LOCATION
/obj/player.c through /obj/look.cSYNTAX
varargs int display_thing(string thing, object player)DESCRIPTION
Display the thing localized near the player, to the player. If no player is specified, it will default to this_player(). If no object or item is found matching the given string, it will try to produce an appropriate notify_fail message, and return 0. If the item exists, it will display it and return 1.EXAMPLE
display_thing("runes on sword"); display_thing("leaves in room"); display_thing("orc");