From the NannyMUD documentation
living_died - Signals that someone just died.LOCATION
Any room that needs notification when someone dies in there.SYNTAX
void living_died(object corpse);DESCRIPTION
When something dies, this function is called in the environment of the dying thing. The corpse is created and passed to this function, but any items are still on the dying living. The corpse is moved to the environment of the dying creature _after_ this call.NOTE
The dying thing is previous_object(), NOT this_player(). Currently bugs as there is no corpse passed, a fix is on its way. /MeTaEXAMPLE
(Add this in _any_ room.) void living_died(object corpse) { if (interactive(previous_object())) tell_room(this_object(), "You hear a laughter in the distance as Death "+ "takes another soul.\n"); }