From the NannyMUD documentation





        guildfaq - 


	Some help on creation of a guild

	Where do I begin?
	Read guilds.r ("man guilds.r").

	Ok, I've read it. Now what?
	It is a rather good idea to talk to the guildcoordinator about your
	ideas. That way you will find out if any other guild is being coded
	on "your" theme, among other things.

	The importance of a theme can not be overestimated. If you create a
	"Guild of Honourables" then it wouldn't make sense to have powers
	like "desecrate", "pillage" etc. Guildpowers and drawbacks *should*
	be consistent with the theme.

	Powers? Drawbacks?
	Always start with the drawbacks. Example of drawbacks are no slow
	healing, expensive healing, taking more damage than other guild etc.

	Powers then? Don't code just powers that are of infinite use. Don't
	neglect the powers that give a "guildfeeling".

	A last piece of advice on this subject: Don't code a guild in which
	you can "rock". Those guilds are *very* boring to play, believe me or
	not. Past experience is proof enough. Besides, the guild will be
	changed by a rather rude guildcoordinator if it's too good. That is,
	if it's even allowed to open.

	And now?
	You have the powers, you have the drawbacks and you have the theme.
	Now it's time to write a guild doc. See guilds.r for further info on
	what the guilddoc should look like. Notify the guildcoordinator when
	you're finished and he/she/it will look through it. Don't start coding
	until you have an "Ok" from the GC.

	General advice
	Don't start with a guild that will take years and years to code. Start
	with a guild you are fairly certain you have energy enough to code.
	The guildmaster is often overambitious in the beginning, he/she/it
	wants to create a bigger and better guild than all the rest. Past
	experience tells us that the guildmaster will give up about halfway.


	The guildmark
	What do I inherit? Is there an /std/guildmark?
	The difference between coding a guild and coding an area is that when
	coding an area, you can fill out a template (/std/monster, /std/room,
	/std/door etc). When coding a guild, you will code "raw" LPC. The
	answer to the question is: you don't inherit anything and there isn't.
	You can of course inherit for example /std/basic_thing or something of
	similar complexity, but it is unnecessary.

	What do I begin with?
	It is invaluable to first have the guild "on paper". That is, make
	a plan over what objects should be coded, which object should have
	what functions, what information is necessary to keep available.

	After making the plan, you can start coding. But stick to it!
	If you don't, the code will get messy really fast. And messy code
	usually results in weird bugs and sooner or later the guild will

	I want a chatline!
	There is a standard chatline. Have a look at /std/line/ and guilds.r

	Where do I look to get powers and drawbacks?
	You will have to come up with those on your own. There is no /std/
	guildpower.c, nor is there an /std/drawback.c. Usually, having a
	look at the available hooks ("man hooks") will provide inspiration.

	Old guilddocs will not be made available, nor will the code.