From the NannyMUD documentation





        guild development guidelines - 


	This document will attempt to outline a set of steps common to any
	guild development and what you as developer need to do in each
	step. This document is not intended as a de facto standard that has
	to be followed religiously, but doing so will make life easier for
	you and the guild coordinator.

	GM = Guild Master (responsible for running the guild)
	GC = Guild Coordinator (member of the admin)

	1. Concept phase
	You have an idea about a guild. This is a good time to write down
	your ideas and the basic theme of the guild and notify the GC that
	you would like an opinion about them. Be prepared to describe how you
	think the guild will fit in NannyMUD.

	The possible outcomes of the concept phase is that either the idea
	has been rejected due to conflicts between existing guilds or some
	other reason, or that the idea is accepted for further
	exploration. Keep in mind that you do not need to be an experienced
	coder to complete this stage.

	2. Initial design

	You should now write a preliminary guild document using the generic
	guild document as template. Using this template is very important to
	make the document informative and easy to read. At this point you
	need to decide on a GM to implement and maintain the guild when it is
	open.  This wizard can be you (if you have sufficient technical
	knowledge to complete the task) or someone else that agrees to take
	on the job. When creating the preliminary guild document it is not
	important to have exact numbers for all aspects of the guild, a rough
	estimate is sufficient.  The developing team must be able to work
	together as well as with the administration. Some guilds tend to
	stomp at this stage due to disagreements within the team.

	The results of the initial design is a preliminary guild document and
	the setup of the guild development team. The GC approves (or
	disapproves) the GM as head of the guild and the preliminary guild

	3. Detailed design

	You will be given a guild directory to work in. At this point the GM
	should be well aware of the guild design standards that has to be
	followed. The guild document will be completed and experimental
	implementations can be made to find close approximations to guild
	figures.  You should also create a board named "GUILDNAME_GH" with
	read/write access for all involved guild developers and the MUD
	administration. This board serves as the main communications medium
	between the administration and the developers. If you run into
	technical problems you can always ask the GC directly, post questions
	on your own GH board or talk to any other experienced wizard.

	The results of the detailed design are a formal guild document and a
	fully implemented guild code. The document will after modifications
	with respect to guild balance be approved (or disapproved) by the GC,
	and the guild code will be closely inspected with possible changes
	needed to ensure quality and compliance with the design standards.

	4. Testing

	The guild needs to be tested by playing it, and stretching it to the
	limits.  For this task you need to select a minimum of 3 and a
	maximum of 5 players to test your guild. These testplayers need to be
	dedicated to perform the testing and need to spend quite alot of time
	playing it. The three required testplayers need to be from these
	three categories:

	* A player that is rather new to the MUD, and probably hasn't passed
	  level 10 with his/her character.

	* A player that has spent some time on the MUD and knows a little
	  bit about how it works. This player probably hasn't passed level
	  17 with his/her character.

	* An experienced player. Either a wizard secondchar, level 19 mortal
	  or a paragon is suitable for this task.

	  You create testcharacters and give the names and passwords to the
	testplayers. The testcharacters also need to be registered as
	testchars for the guild (the GC can assist you with that). The above
	3 players should play the guild from start to finish or as long as
	they possibly can reach until the testing period is complete. The
	time of the testing period depends on the level of confidence the
	developers and the GC has in that the guild is stable enough for
	opening. The problem in this phase is to find suitable testplayers
	who are willing to spend several days of full playing time on
	evaluating the guild. It is somewhat important for the testplayers to
	actually solve quests in order to advance levels because it gives
	good feedback on how the guild works. If this becomes too
	time-consuming, levels may be patched. As a general rule here, the
	guild will (after all testing is done) be opened with slightly less
	powerful abilities for an observation period of a few months. It's
	normally easier on everybody to upgrade a guild if it was deemed too
	weak than to downgrade a guild that was too strong.

	You may also want to add 1-2 testplayers who has great experience
	with the game and let them try out the guild at mid-level or
	max-level.  Additionally, testing of PK is required (if the guild is
	powerful enough to compete in the PK scene) but should be done at a
	later stage of testing and between testcharacters of different guilds
	in a closed (simulated) playground.

	The results of the testing phase is a stable guild code. The GC will
	approve (or disapprove) the guild from opening to the public. You
	should also have your guild WWW page ready at this stage.

	5. Open guild

	Once your guild is open to the public, lots of players will join. Now
	you will see how effective your testing really was, because quite a
	few undiscovered bugs will be discovered. You will also see that
	players find ways of using the guild powers in ways you never dreamed
	of. When a few players have reached the top, it's not uncommon that
	some aspects of the guild needs rebalancing when the true impact on
	the game has been observed for a while.