From the NannyMUD documentation
reclaimd - Register objects for automatic reclaiming.
Don't inherit the reclaimd, use its functions like this intead: "/obj/daemon/reclaimd"->function_name(arguments); DEFINITION A superenvironment, or supenv for short, is a set of all the environments of an object. Consider a torch in a bag on a player in a room. The supenv of the torch is then the set (bag, player, room), the supenv of the player is the set (room), which then happens to be identical to the environment itself. RECLAIMD The reclaim daemon, reclaimd, maintains a list of objects, and checks on them now and then. The objects are registered with the daemon and their treatment at the checks can be customized. Possible actions are: Destruct registered object if supenv contains no living. Destruct registered object if supenv contains no player. Destruct registered object no matter what. No action. All of the above depending on returned value of a function call. For more detailed descriptions of the actions etc, see below. The time between checks is 15 minutes, in a statistical mean.
query_registered query_registered_clone
register de_register
register -SYNTAX
varargs int register(object what, int time, mixed action)DESCRIPTION
This function registers an object to be checked on periodically. The arguments are: what The object to be checked. time The time in seconds that have to pass before any check is done. This should be given as 'time from now'; a value of 3600 means 'an hour from now'. action This can be either a small integer, or a string. In the case of integers: 0 : destruct the object if it has no living supenv 1 : destruct the object if it has no interactive (i.e. player) supenv. 2 : destruct the object. 3 : take no action. This has little meaning here, but see below for a better use. In the case of strings: "@func(arg1,arg2,...)" The function 'func' in the registrated object is called with the registrated object as first argument and 'arg1', 'arg2', etc. as argument 2, 3 ... A max number of nine such arguments will be handled. The registrated object is then treated in a way depending on the value returned from the function call. For specifics, see above. By using this mechanism and returning 3 from the function, it is possible to keep an object registrated until the game goes down. Kindly do not. Rather, return something else than 3 after a few calls has been done. "@path->func(arg1,arg2,...)" This works as above, apart from the call being made to the object described by 'path'.RETURN VALUES
1 is returned if the object was sucessfully registrated.0 is returned if the object was not sucessfully registrated.NOTE
Only objects in /players, /std and /guilds can be registrated, and the registrating object must reside in the same dir-tree as the registrated object. In case of the action calling a function in another object, this is true for that object too. The file name will be expanded as per the sfun expand_file_name; thus it is relative /obj/daemon/, where the reclaimd resides. You are advised to use file names such as ~mym/monsters/doggie and such.EXAMPLE
register(sword, 3600) register(sword, 3600, 0) The sword will be destructed after at least 3600 seconds if it has no living supenv.EXAMPLE
register(axe, 7200+random(3600), 1) The sword will be destructed after at least 7200+random(3600) seconds if it has no interactive supenv.EXAMPLE
register(unique, 7500, 2) The sword will be destructed after at least 7500 seconds.EXAMPLE
reqister(call_me, 2400, "@call_back()") The function 'call_back' in the object 'call_me' will be called after at least 2400 seconds.EXAMPLE
register(item, 0, "@dest_me()") The function 'dest_me' in the object itself will be called at the next reclaim sweep.EXAMPLE
register(item, 3500, "@~/temple/stairs->check(key)") The function 'check' in '/players//temple/stairs' will be called after at least 3600 seconds with the object 'item' as first argument and the string "key" as second argument.
de_register -SYNTAX
void de_register(object obj)DESCRIPTION
Remove the object 'obj' from the check-list. The same restrictions are applied as for calls to the function 'register'.
query_registered -SYNTAX
int query_registered(object obj)DESCRIPTION
If the object 'obj' is registrated, this function returns 1, else it returns 0. This can be used for easy checks on unique items.
query_registered_clone -SYNTAX
int query_registered_clone(string file_name)DESCRIPTION
If there's a clone of the object described by 'file_name' in the list of registered objects, this function returns 1 else 0.