From the NannyMUD documentation
questd - questd.c - the quest daemon
Not all functions are listed here, but all those that can be of interest to other objects that the quest daemon. The descriptions here are very short; be careful and read the long descriptions below before you use them. query_can_wiz - Can the player wiz? query_last_solved - When was a quest last solved this reboot? query_maintainer - Who is the maintained of the quest? query_nr_closed_quests - How many quests are considered closed? query_nr_open_quests - How many quests are considered open? query_nr_quests - How many quests are there in the daemon? query_open - Is this quest open or closed? query_ps_closed - Percent of closed quests QP solved? query_ps_open - Percent of open quests QP solved? query_ps_solved - Percent of all quests QP solved? query_qps - Gives the mapping names-qps. query_quest_names - Names of quests, sorted vs qps. query_quest_values - Qps of quests, sorted. query_solved - Is this quest solved this reboot? query_solved_closed_qp - Total qps for closed quests for a player. query_solved_open_qp - Total qps for open quests for a player. query_solved_qp - Total qps for a player. query_total_closed_qps - The nr of qps of closed quests. query_total_open_qps - The nr of qps of open quests. query_total_qps - The total nr of qps.
This is the quest daemon. It keeps tracks of such things as what quests are open, what quests are closed, what QPs does a quest have, how many times it has been solved the last reboot, etc. INCLUDED FILES level.h tune.h
query_nr_quests - How many quests are there in the daemon?SYNTAX
int query_nr_quests()DESCRIPTION
This function returns the total number of quests in the system closed as well as open ones.
query_nr_open_quests - How many quests are considered open?SYNTAX
int query_nr_open_quests()DESCRIPTION
This function returns the number of quests that are considered open.
query_nr_closed_quests - How many quests are considered closed?SYNTAX
int query_nr_closed_quests()DESCRIPTION
This function returns the number of quests that have been closed but still give QPs.
query_quest_names - Names of quests, sorted vs qps.SYNTAX
string *query_quest_names()DESCRIPTION
This function returns a list of quest names, sorted by QP. It includes those closed quests that still give QPs in the list.
query_quest_values - query_quest_valuesSYNTAX
int *query_quest_values()DESCRIPTION
This function returns a sorted list of the quest points.
query_qps - Gives the mapping names-qps.SYNTAX
int query_qps(string q_name)DESCRIPTION
If given a string as an argument, this function returns the QPs of the quest with that name. If No argument is given, the a copy of the whole quest-to-qp mapping is returned.
query_open - Is this quest open or closed?SYNTAX
int query_open(string q_name)DESCRIPTION
If given a string as an argument, the function returns 1 if the quest with that name is open, or 0 if the quest is closed. If given no argument, a copy of the mapping describing the open status is returned. In that mapping, the value -1 indicates open.
query_solved - Is this quest solved this reboot?SYNTAX
int query_solved(string q_name)DESCRIPTION
If given a string as an argument, the number of times the quest with that name has been solved is returned. If given no argument, a copy of the mapping with all this data is returned.
query_last_solved - When was a quest last solved this reboot?SYNTAX
int query_last_solved(string q_name)DESCRIPTION
This works just like query_solved(), but gives the last time the quest was solved this reboot.
query_maintainer - Who is the maintained of the quest?SYNTAX
string query_maintainer(string q_name)DESCRIPTION
With a string as an argument, tis function returns the name of the maintainer of the quest 'q_name'. If no argument is given, a copy of the whole mapping with this data is returned.
query_total_qps - The total nr of qps.SYNTAX
int query_total_qps()DESCRIPTION
This function returns the total number of QPs, summed over both open quests, and closed quests that still give QPs.
query_total_open_qps - The nr of qps of open quests.SYNTAX
int query_total_open_qps()DESCRIPTION
This function returns the sum of the QPs for open quests.
query_total_closed_qps - This function returns the sum of the QPs for closed quests.SYNTAX
int query_total_closed_qps()DESCRIPTION
This function returns the sum of the QPs for closed quests.
query_solved_qp - Total qps for a player.SYNTAX
varargs int query_solved_qp(object player)DESCRIPTION
This function returns the total qps solved by the player object given as an argument, including both open quests and closed quests that still give QPs. If no argument is given, the calling object is used.
query_solved_open_qp - Total qps for open quests for a player.SYNTAX
varargs int query_solved_open_qp(object player)DESCRIPTION
This function returns the qps solved by the player object given as an argument, taking only open quests into account. If no argument is given, the calling object is used.
query_solved_closed_qp - Total qps for closed quests for a player.SYNTAX
varargs int query_solved_closed_qp(object player)DESCRIPTION
This function returns the qps solved by the player object given as an argument, taking only closed quests into account. If no argument is given, the calling object is used.
query_can_wiz - Can the player wiz?SYNTAX
varargs int query_can_wiz(object player)DESCRIPTION
Given a player object (or else using the calling object), this function tells if the player can become wizard, taking into account such things as the constants defined inand the players total QPs.
query_ps_solved - Percent of all quests QP solved?SYNTAX
varargs int query_ps_solved(object player)DESCRIPTION
Treating the player object given as an argument, or the calling object, this function returns the percentage of the total QPs available that the player has solved. This takes into account both open quests and closed quests that still gives QP.
query_ps_open - Percent of open quests QP solved?SYNTAX
varargs int query_ps_open(object player)DESCRIPTION
Treating the player object given as an argument, or the calling object, this function returns the percentage of the open QPs available that the player has solved. This takes into account only open quests.
query_ps_closed - Percent of closed quests QP solved?SYNTAX
varargs int query_ps_closed(object player)DESCRIPTION
Treating the player object given as an argument, or the calling object, this function returns the percentage of the closed QPs available that the player has solved. This takes into account only closed quests that still gives QP.