From the NannyMUD documentation
damage types - damage types and hit messagesDESCRIPTION
There is a daemon that handles all official damage types and the corresponding hit messages available. Due to security the code of the daemon itself (/obj/daemon/messd) is not available to wizards, but in this help file you can see what types are supported by the lib and the corresponding messages for different degrees of damage. default: ({"missed", "", "tickled", " in the stomach", "grazed", "", "hit", "", "hit", " hard", "hit", " very hard", "smashed", " with a bonecrushing sound", "massacred", " into small fragments",}) crush: ({"missed", "", "patted", " on the stomach", "bruised", "", "hit", "", "hit", " hard", "dealt"," a crushing blow", "smashed", " with a bonecrushing sound", "demolished", " into a bloody pulp"}) slash: ({"missed", "", "nicked", " in the stomach", "cut", " lightly", "slashed", "", "slashed", " in the chest", "slashed", " across the face", "cut a deep bleeding wound in","", "gutted", " with a mighty slash making blood gush all over"}) pierce: ({"missed", "", "poked", " in the stomach", "pricked a small hole in", "", "pierced", "", "pierced", " badly", "punctured", " very badly", "dealt", " a deep piercing blow", "impaled", " mere inches from the heart"}) chop: ({"missed", "", "scratched", " in the stomach", "grazed", "", "hacked a wound in", "", "hacked a deep wound in", "", "chopped a very deep wound in", "", "opened a wide bleeding gash in", "", "nearly decapitated", " with an incredible swing"}) lash: ({"missed", "", "stung", " lightly", "whipped", " leaving a red mark", "whipped", " mercilessly", "lashed out at", " drawing blood", "lashed out at", " shredding skin", "scourged", " with great fury", "thrashed", " into a bloody mess",}) hand-to-hand: ({"missed", "", "jabbed", " lightly", "punched", "", "punched", " hard", "hit", " with a "+(random(2)?"right":"left")+" cross", "hit", " with a nasty uppercut", "struck", " with a vicious blow", "knocked", " out, making teeth fly all over",}) fire: ({"missed","", "warmed", " slightly", "singed", "", "burned", "", "burned", " badly", "scorched", " severely", "enveloped", " in roaring flames", "immolated", " leaving little but ashes",}) electricity: ({"missed", "", "jolted", " slightly", "shocked", "", "shocked", " badly", "made", " jerk convulsively", "shocked", " causing horrible spasms", "engulfed", " in a huge ball of lightning", "electrocuted", " in a torrent of violent lightning",}) cold: ({"missed", "", "chilled", " slightly", "numbed", "", "dealt", " serious frostbites", "drained all warmth from", "", "coated", " with ice", "assaulted", " with unearthly cold", "froze", " into a solid block of ice",}) drain: ({"missed", "", "weakened", " slightly", "drained", "", "drained", " of energy", "made", " shudder with loss of life", "withered", "", "sucked the soul from", "", "disintegrated", " to ashes",}) acid: ({"missed", "", "sprinkled drops of acid on", "", "scarred", "", "burned", " with acid", "covered", " with burning acid", "burned", " horribly with acid", "corroded", " melting flesh and bone", "dissolved", " completely",}) bite: ({"missed", "", "nibbled on", "", "bit", " lightly", "gnawed on", "", "bit", " hard", "bit a large wound in", "", "tore a large chunk of flesh from", "", "nearly ripped", " in half with a fierce bite",}) claw: ({"missed", "", "scratched", " lightly", "scratched", "", "clawed a wound in", "", "clawed", " viciously", "raked a bleeding gash in", "", "ripped into", ", tearing muscle and sinew", "gutted", " spilling bowels all over the place",}) magic: ({"missed", "", "touched", " ethereally", "made", " glow with magic", "stunned", " with a surge of magic", "seared", " with magical energy", "scourged", " with arcane energy", "blasted", " into oblivion", "annihilated", " in a furious prismatic storm",})