From the NannyMUD documentation





        area - rules on areas.


	These are the rules you _must_ keep in mind when you want to open an

	1) It is strongly recommended that you open an area of no more than
	10 locations. 15 is possible but discouraged, and 20 is an upper

	2) You shall find a reasonable location where to open your area.
	Just outside the logon points isn't reasonable.

	3) You shall have a plan over the area. This could very well be a
	simple sketch.

	4) The new area shall not contain anything that needs approval.
	5) The area shouldn't bug (Naturally it's almost impossible to make
	sure the area is completely bug-free, but you should have tested it
	before you allow it to open. Don't use mortals to test it, since it's
	illegal to move mortals into unopened areas. Do it yourself and/or
	with a testchar).

	6) The area shouldn't contain any illegal objects. Refer to
	the rules for weapons, armours, and monsters specifically. An
	extremely useful tool for checking monsters is
	/std/tools/monster_check.c. Clone it, examine it, follow the

	7) If you use items from other areas, you have to check first if that
	area is open. Use the area daemon (area_d) for this purpose. See the
	documentation on area_d for how to do it.

	8) Use the newest lib files whenever possible. At the last update of
	this file, this means using files from the /std/ dir. Documentation
	on these files can be found under the topic 'std'. However, you
	should NOT use files from /std/rfc, since these files are not yet
	tested thoroughly and might be removed or changed without prior
	notice. Or at least, if you do use things from /std/rfc, don't open
	that part of the area until the files you use are moved to /std. An
	area that uses obsolete lib files when newer ones are available will
	not be allowed to open.

	9) Use properties wherever applicable, including terrain properties
	and colour. If properties are a mystery to you, there is a lot of
	help on it (try the topic 'properties'), or ask your sponsor/your
	friendly neighbourhood admin. The topics 'terrain' and
	'damage_types' might be of interest as well. This is also a good
	place to mention setting types on all weapons, and race and gender
	(where appropriate) on all monsters, which is required. If your
	monsters have special attacks, you must set a type on the damage
	inflicted. See the documentation for simple_monster. Note that all
	objects that have a main colour needs to have the colour property set
	to that colour! If in doubt what to set, ask your sponsor or an

	10) Before presenting the area to your sponsor for a check, you should
	have done your utmost to weed out typos and bad language. If the
	language of the area is too bad, the sponsor might simply refuse
	to check the area until it has been improved.

	11) If the area is to reside upon the new continent of Antharis, there
	are some other things you will need to consider. Apart from all the
	things said in this file, also make sure to read the rules
	about Antharis.


	Another thing that is not a rule per se, but more something to keep
	in mind, is that the better area you make, the better locations it
	will be allowed - and what constitutes a 'good' area is, finally, up
	to the admin. One thing to keep in mind, here: If your area needs
	more work to become 'good', the admin might elect to place it on the
	Isle of Lost Empires, an island where topography is not an issue,
	where it will remain until deemed good enough to be placed elsewhere.

	Some tips will be presented under guidelines, below. If you follow
	them also, chances are much greater than you will get the location
	you want. This file is rather long, but take the time to read through
	it all. It will pay off. Big time.


	1) When you get an idea for a wonderful new area of 250+ rooms,
	start with 10 locations. Open that, and then open things step by
	step. This is better than trying everything at once - especially
	since you'll learn a lot about LPC while coding it.

	2) Balance the area. Don't create hordes of extremely alignmed
	monsters running around everywhere. Don't only make level 19-20
	monsters. Don't take these tips literally: 20 level 20 monsters and 1
	level 1 monster is not balanced. Use common sense. Make monsters
	friends who should be, logically, like guards or priests of the same
	order. Use the /std/tools/monster_check tool to make sure your
	monsters are legal. Don't code monsters with level > 20. Don't code
	the area to be 'useful' for specific guilds. Try to include a little
	something for all kinds of players.

	3) This is just a thing that makes it easier for admins, again - if
	your area has several parts, don't have one separate dir of monsters,
	armour, weapons etc for each area part. It's much easier to keep
	track of your items if all your weapons reside in a directory like
	~name/weapons/ than if you have four different directories of
	weapons depending on where in your area they can be found. This is
	nothing necessary, it's just _very_ convenient for the admin. If you
	have a very large amount of files, it might also be a good idea to
	divide them among several dirs... But generally, it isn't. Most of
	all, keep your directory structure shallow, ie, don't have paths like
	~name/area/rooms/forest/glade/glade1.c, where
	~name/rooms/glade/glade1.c would suffice just fine.

	4) If your area connects to another wizard's area as opposed to the
	/room area, you must use the area_d (area daemon) to make sure that
	area is open, before letting players enter it. For more info on how
	to do this, see the help on area_d.

	5) It's very common to want to log things happening in the area, to
	see what's going on, for balance purposes, etc. DO NOTE USE
	write_file() FOR THIS!!!  If you are going to log things, use
	caching. There are standard loggers provided in the lib. 'man logger'
	and/or 'man simple_logger' for more information, including why it's
	so important to use a logger.


	1) Use add_item(), so players can examine things in the rooms (note
	that in the /std lib, you can also use add_item() in non-room
	objects, which is a very nice feature allowing much more interesting
	items). A good rule of thumb is to make it possible to examine all
	significant nouns in the long description of a room or an item.

	2) Try to make the area interesting. Don't code endless expanses of
	rooms without monsters or items in them. Don't code 40 exactly
	lookalike monsters with only some value differing them from each
	other (unless you're coding an army of course :). Detail is always
	interesting. Note that interesting is NOT the same thing as 'lots of
	easy xp/money/eq to find here'. Give monsters some add_attacks() (man
	simple_monster). Use random() a lot to make the area less predictable
	(note, however, that while having a non-predictable area is a good
	thing, having an illogically random area is generally a bad thing,
	unless you have some specific purpose in mind). Having a theme is
	good, and helps creating atmosphere. Make sure the area makes sense
	according to the theme, or just plain common sense if you don't have
	a specific theme. Unless there is a good reason for it, such as a
	maze, a long road, a deep forest or whatever, don't have the area
	consist of bunches of rooms that are identical but for the exits. Cut
	and paste is nice, but it can be over-used too.

	3) Try not to make too many typos. This is naturally varying from
	person to person, but the less there are, the more players can
	concentrate on what your descriptions say, instead of their
	grammar. If your English isn't spotless, ask for help! Failing all
	else, the topography admin might know someone willing to check your
	area. Also, there is a club named the "Typo squad", whose members are
	willing to help with weeding out typos. Remember not to let any
	mortals into an unopened area, though. Talk to the wizardly members
	of the squad.

	4) Puzzles are fun, and if you don't feel up to coding a whole quest,
	puzzles are a good way to make people snoop around in your area and
	explore it thoroughly.

	5) If you do have grand treasures in the area, don't let them just
	lie around for the players to find. Make them work for it! Many
	players appreciate 'questing for gold and xp', as Mats once put
	it. Protect them with guardians and ingenious traps.

	6) Don't make instakilling traps/monsters. If you have a truly lethal
	feature in your area, make sure players get ample warning before
	running into it.

	7) If a room or an item description hints that it would be possible
	to do an unusual command in the room (but you haven't intended the
	command to be possible), like moving a boulder, swimming in a lake,
	climbing a cliff, etc, it looks nice if you allow some other message
	than 'What?' when a player attempts it. In /std, this is easy to do
	with add_command() or add_item_cmd(). See help on 'std' for more
	information on this. Also see the rooms in /examples/.


	1) If your monsters wield weapons, they will automatically get the
        higher weapon class of the weapon and their natural base wc.
        You do NOT have to set it, using set_wc() after wielding weapons.
	When monsters wear armours, the class given by the armour will be
        added to the base ac value.

	2) If you have many monsters in the area, you really should consider
	not giving them all the lowest values allowable in ac, wc and
	hp. This naturally depends on what category of players you are
	catering for, but the power of today's parties have reduced monsters
	with default values to little more than walking xp supplies. This
	applies mostly to monsters with level 15+. On the other hand, there
	is little point in making insta-killing monsters either, unless you
	give out plenty of warning hints. If you feel unsure about what might
	be reasonable figures, ask your sponsor or an admin.

	3) If you use add_object (a very useful tool), make sure you
	understand how it works. Specifically, do _not_ call it every
	reset. See the documentation for /std/room for more details.

	4) Don't capitalise the first letter in set_short() unless it is
	really a name or some other kind of unique identifier.
        Examples: set_short("Glamdring, the sword of Gandalf"); and
                  set_short("a fine longsword"); are both correct.
                  set_short("A knife"); is wrong.

	5) In /std objects, linebreaking is done automatically in the
	functions set_long() and add_item(). This means, you don't need to
	linebreak them yourself. Ie,
        set_long("This is a long description that is longer than just one "+
		 "line, but we don't need to add any newlines to it anyway "+
		 "since the /std lib is so nice and user-friendly.");
	will work just fine. The advantage of not doing linebreaks manually
	is that you'll get the same general width of all descs in your area,
	which is nicer for people who visit it. Of course, if you _do_ want
	to do your own linebreaking, by all means go ahead. This is just a
	tip to save you the bother, if you don't need some special formatting
	of text.

	6) If you find yourself repeating the same code in room after room,
	you should consider if it could be better solved using
	inheritance. If you are unsure how this works, talk to your sponsor
	or an admin.

	7) If you somewhere in the area use add_money() to take money from
	players, for example when they throw money into a wishing well or the
	like, make sure they can't throw in a negative amount of money and
	actually gain from it.


	1) Have a friend wizard or testchar go through it looking for bugs
	and typos. DO NOT let a real player into the area before it is

	2) Make sure that nothing in the area that needs approval. Check the
	rules, armour, weapon, monster, etc, for guidelines on what's allowed
	and what isn't. 'man RULES' to see what	rule files there are.

	3) Find 2-3 places where you would like to open it. Make sure it fits
	in with the surrounding areas, terrain, etc. If you have a coast,
	don't put it in the middle of a plain. If you have a desert, don't
	put it next to a jungle, etc. Note that these places might be
	disallowed by topography admin. But you should have them,

	4) Talk to the topography admin, have him/her or someone he/she
	designs look through the area. This area check should not be a typo
	hunt; the bulk of the typos you should have weeded out before coming
	this far. To see which admin is in care of topography, do 'help

	5) Once the admin and you agree on where to put the area, the
	following steps are needed:

	a) If the area is not on an island, set up your castle.c
	file. Otherwise, set up a harbour room so that one can call a ferry
	from there. Sometimes adding a few 'starting' rooms to make the area
	fit in nicely with the surroundings might be required. If you don't
	know how to set up your castle.c file, ask your sponsor or another
	wizard of level 25++.
	b) Make a dir with your name in /open/info/ and place one or more
	files there describing you, your area, or whatever else you deem
	appropriate (for example, /open/info/leowon/area). This is for the
	tourist office.

	c) Make sure the admin notes in your permissions file that the area
	is now open. Also make sure the admin makes your castle.c load at

	d) If you want to put up a note on the adv guild board that the area
	is now open, do so. If you want a note on the announce board as well,
	ask the admin overseeing the area opening to put one there for you.

	e) Welcome to your new level!


	1) Make a habit of checking your .rep file regularly. Players
	appreciate it when their reports are fixed quickly.

	2) When an area bugs somehow, you can find the errors in the
	/runtime.log or the /lpmud.log files.

	3) Don't leave odd ends like, 'This part of the area is not ready
	yet, but will soon be expanded upon' visible to players, if you don't
	realize the plans for a long time. Better to just remove any hints to
	upcoming additions to the area.

	4) If you later expand the area, you don't need formal approval on
	the new parts. It is assumed it will be at least as good as the part
	that was approved originally. However, all objects that don't conform
	to the rules still need approval as usual. And one important point to
	keep in mind: When the area opened, it was fit into the surrounding
	lands as much as possible. Don't break this coherence in topography
	with later additions. For example, if your original area was a hot
	desert, don't build a coast where icebergs float around just adjacent
	to it. Nor add major topographical features like large mountain
	ranges, large rivers, new coastlines, etc, without consulting the
	topography admin first.

	5) If the area should prove to give out way too much xp/money/eq
	compared to existing ones, be prepared to lower it (as in decreasing
	money given out, lowering monster levels, reducing number of
	monsters, reducing eq carried by monsters, etc) drastically. In
	extreme cases, admin might even lower the area and notify you via
	mudmail. Do yourself a favour and save the admin this extra work: If
	your area has a very high give-away on the wizlist soon (as in a few
	months) after opening, lower it yourself. Chances are your own
	measures taken won't be as severe as if an admin goes over the area.

        6) Do not code the area for your own seconds. As a warning example,
        picture a thing like adding an exit nigh-impossible to find without
        knowing in advance it is there, leading to an area full of easy kills
        with loads of money, known only to the creator's seconds and close
        friends. Such cases usually end up with the creator being demoted.
        Don't succumb to the temptation to use your area as a way to speed
        up advancement for your seconds. You may succeed for a while, but
        chances are eventually admin will discover it, and you may lose both
        your wizard and your second chars. Also note that the admin's
        interpretation of what goes and what doesn't may differ from your
        own. Also see 'general' for rules concerning second characters.