From the NannyMUD documentation
switch - case - Complicated conditional statement.SYNTAX
switch ( expression ) { case constant1:case constant2: break; default: } DESCRIPTION
'switch' evaluates the expression give and then executes one or more statement accordingly to the result. If the result is equal to constant1 then statement1 will be executed, please observe that the second case-statement dos _not_ abort the execution in any way instead statement2 will also be executed. After that break will cause execution to continue after the after the last } in the switch statement. If the result is equal to constant2 only statement2 will be executed. In all other cases statement3 is executed because it is 'default'. Please note that the expression and constant can be either integers or string, but they can _not_ be mixed in the same switch-statement.SEE ALSO
if in LPC/ifSEE ALSO
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